Who Do You Know?
Read on to find out why I want to send you $20, $40 and even $140 for introducing me to a friend or relative...
I assume you're here because you saw one of my "Find A Twenty" projects.
When I'm not giving away money, I run a Birthday Marketing agency.
My primary focus is helping restaurants and other food sellers get more customers and getting those customers to come back more often.
Like any business, I can use more clients and that's why I set up this page.
Rather than pay for advertising that may or may not work, I've decided to pay the followers of "Find A Twenty" for referring me to potential clients.
Here's how it works...
1) Think about friends or relatives you know who own or manage restaurants or any retail food business.
2) Send them a message that directs them to this page which explains my services... www.BirthdayClubManager.com
3) If they book an appointment to discuss how my company can help them, as soon as the appointment is over I'll send you $20.
4) If they sign up for my 37 Day FREE TRIAL, I'll send you another $20 at the end of it.
5) If they actually become a paying client after the FREE TRIAL, I'll send you $100 after their first payment.
First, it's an experiment and I love to do experiments.
Second, because it's fun. Giving away money on Social Media is fun and makes people happy.
Third and most importantly, because I'd rather give my money to people who can use it rather than the big advertising companies.
I could advertise my services on Facebook or Google or any number of other places, and WASTE thousands of dollars.
I'd have to pay that money with absolutely no guarantee that ANYTHING will happen.
Doing it this way, I'm having conversations with people I can help and whether they decide to use my services or not, I've given them some ideas that will help their business.
In other words, I'm happy to pay $20 to talk to a restaurant owner or food seller who wants more customers.
So if you know someone like that, send them to www.BirthdayClubManager.com
If you want to see some of the ideas I'd give them, visit "4.5 Unusual Ways Restaurants Can Use Birthdays To Get More Customers"
I'll ask them how they heard about me.
You could also send me an email with the names of the people you sent to www.BirthdayClubManager.com
My email is LeosHelpDesk@gmail.com
And yes, if you're the restaurant owner who is here, you'd qualify for the $20 too!
I've included some common questions below.
If you don't see your question answered, please feel free to send me an email.
Thank you!
Leo Quinn
Ballston Spa, NY
Birthday: November 23
How should I contact my friend?
It depends on how close you are. Phone call would be best. People are reluctant to click on links from email or text if it sounds fishy or sus as the kids say.
They'll wonder if it's really coming from you or if someone hacked your email.
To solve this you might call or text and say something like..."I found a guy on TT who might be able to help you get more customers...I'll email you a link".
Can't I just send you the name and email of my friend and you contact them?
No. That's where I am right now. I can email a million restaurant owners but I'm looking for an introduction from someone they already know, like and trust.
That said, if you send your friend an email about this and they reply with something like..."Have him contact me"...THAT you can send to me and I'll reach out.
How do I know you can actually help my friend get more customers?
You don't.
That's why I offer the 37 day FREE TRIAL.
There are no contracts to sign.
There are no payments required up front.
1) We chat for 20 minutes.
2) I explain what I can do and how much it is.
3) If they agree to the 37 day FREE TRIAL, we start immediately.
If not, the call is done and we part as friends.
What's the deal with the 37 day FREE TRIAL?
You mean why not 30 days like most free trials out there?
I don't want my services to actually cost clients anything.
I want them to pay me from the profits I create.
37 days gives us a full week to set things up and then a full month to start the money coming in.
Any other questions? LeosHelpDesk@gmail.com
Send your friends to www.BirthdayClubManager.com
Thank you!
Leo Quinn